Monday, October 26, 2015

[No Tittle Part 2]

Hey guys i know its not normal for me to write 2 days in a row but i am because i am bored!  So i just wanted to catch you up.  By the way i would call these posts "Catching Up" but that name is already taken on one of my other posts, so i name these "[No tittle]".  Anyway i just wanted to say on my last post lots of people* have been complaining that the link was not working... well great news i got it working, now it sends you straight to google maps and the area surrounded by red is where i am.

 *by lots of people i mean Dad and Audrey.

This is really clever, it is 3 walls and they are painted with part of the letters
A really old roman arena

Me in front of Vincent Van Gogh and his brother Theo's grave
The Hotel de Ville
A french bankers Maison

a church in the town just across from the Hotel de Ville